Expoloratorium Ten Cool Sites
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Bringing you the coolest.
Since June 1995

Welcome! The Exploratorium presents ten cool science, art, and education sites for the month of June. Thanks to everyone who contributed this month.

While you're here, don't forget to visit our archive search page covering over 400 reviewed sites in 23 categories. From arts to weather, if it's cool, it's here. If it's not here, let us know.

SearchDon't forget to check back July 1st for ten more Cool Sites!

Aerodynamics in Sports Technology - Want to know how topspin works to curve a tennis shot? This resource offers college level investigations into the complex aerodynamics of tennis, plus excellent lesson plans and curriculum resources.
Cool Site: June 1999

World Time Zone - Ever wrack your brains trying to figure out the time difference between, say, Los Angeles and Burkina Faso? Want to call your friend in American Samoa, but don't want to call in the middle of the night? This site has your answers.
Cool Site: June 1999

The Terriers Satellite Project - This site offers some excellent material about this satellite, which was designed and built to observe earth�s ionosphere. Check out the video of the satellite being launched from theback of a jet plane!
Cool Site: June 1999

Nye Labs Online - Bill Nye the Science Guy's Web site is as lively and funny as his television show. Select Demo of the Day for a different daily science experiment you can do at home.
Cool Site: June 1999

Life, the Universe, and the Electron - Do you know what an electron is? Or how electrons can be used to see on a microscopic level? This well-designed site is a celebration of the centenary of the discovery of the electron.
Cool Site: June 1999

Gaia, the Viking Ship
- Explore the world of Viking ships on this interesting site. Learn about the excavation of the original Gokstadship, or the Viking sailing techniques that helped them cross the Atlantic. A bit text-heavy, this site is fascinating nonetheless.
Cool Site: June 1999

HyperHistory Online - This site has a fascinating concept, and a beautiful design: a visual map of history, embedded with countless hyperlinked articles on different topics, contributed by people from around the world.
Cool Site: June 1999

Exploratorium Ten Cool Sites

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Hidden Killers: deadly Viruses - Produced by high school students as part of the ThinkQuest project, this site maintains the high level of design quality and interesting content that ThinkQuest students have established.
Cool Site: June 1999

Archimuse: Beyond Interface - A digital gallery, this site is collection of experimental works exploring the nature of interface, pushing the boundaries of human-computer interaction.
Cool Site: June 1999

NPR Science Friday Kids' Connection - This is an excellent student resource, with access to audio archives of National Public Radio's Science Friday program, and lots of related material and activities.
Cool Site: June 1999

New sites are posted on the first of every month, so remember to stop back on July 1st. Thanks again to everyone who has contributed. If you have a cool science, art, or educational site that you would like us to consider, send mail to: Noel Wanner [email protected]. Please put the word "cool" in the subject of your e-mail message.

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