K-12 Resources

Learning Planet - This site offers some interesting interactive educational games, for kids from grades K through 6. The games rely on the Shockwave plug-in, and are generally well designed.
Cool Site: May 1999

BBC Science in Action - Explore science through the categories of air, light, microbes, mixtures, and force. This site makes extensive use of Flash and Shockwave to create an entertaining and informative experience.
Cool Site: March 1999

Learner's Corner- This site, created by Canada's Office of Learning Technologies is an incredible gateway to networked learning projects and online educational communities. A good starting point for those interested in the Internet's potential as a two-way learning tool.
Cool Site: January 1999

The Science Casebook- Solve the mystery of the Cosmic Football, or the Beast of Bodmin Moor, at this excellent natural history site.
Cool Site: November 1998

Cultural Arts Resources for Teachers and Student- This site offers a range of online resources related to traditional arts, folklore, anthropology, and oral history, including RealAudio interviews.
Cool Site: June 1998

KinderArt- This site boasts over 130 art lessons (and growing) that teachers and parents can use in their home or school classroom. Users can add their own lesson ideas to the site as well.
Cool Site: June 1998

Journey North - One of the best and most successful online science learning communities for K-12 students. This site engages students in a global study of wildlife migration and seasonal change.
Cool Site: December 1997

Teachers' Guide for the Professional Cartoonists' Index - Information on how to use the Cartoonists Index web site in the classroom. Lesson plans on this site cover a variety of subjects. The cartoons come from Pulitzer Prize winners.
Cool Site: November 1997

Amazon Adventure - Follow a New Zealand traveler as he reports back on a nine-week trip to the Amazon and other destinations in South America. Schools are encouraged to participate.
Cool Site: September 1997

Electronic School Online - The online version of the Electronic School magazine, which addresses issues related to the latest technologies in schools. Great for K-12 educators, the journal is published quarterly.
Cool Site: August 1997

Medieval Drama Links- Information on everything from set design to medieval props and makeup. There are over 200 links. A great site for drama teachers.
Cool Site: June 1997

The Gakkos Website -Gakko is the word for "school" in Japanese. This site provides a mix of lessons from teachers and experts and students' experiences in their own words. The goal at Gakkos is to give you an entertaining educational experience, and it succeeds.
Cool Site: April 1997

History/Social Studies Web site for K-12 Teachers -This site provides links and other resources for busy K-12 Social Studies teachers. Worth a bookmark if you are a history or social studies teacher.
Cool Site: November 1996

The Incredible Art Department -An excellent resource for art teachers. It includes lessons, art site of the week, pet peeves, and much more. The Art News section wasn't very up-to-date, but my guess is that once school starts, new stories will appear.
Cool Site: September 1996

Canada's SchoolNet -A tremendous resource particularly for teachers north of the border. Most of the resources, as you would imagine, point towards Canadian sites, but there are also other international sites. Information is easy to find and attractively presented. The site is in Fnglish and French.
Cool Site: August 1996

Schools Online Project -Science -A good set of of resources. There are hands-on science activities, and even a section where you can ask scientists questions.
Cool Site: July 1996

Developing Educational Standards -An annotated list of Internet sites with K-12 educational standards and curriculum frameworks documents.
Cool Site: May 1996

PEP -Looking for educational software? PEP is an informational resource for parents, educators, and children's software publishers.
Cool Site: May 1996

Teachers Edition Online -The goal at Teacher's Edition Online is to provide valuable information to the K-12 teaching community.
Cool Site: April 1996

Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators: Home Page -This guide provides annotated hotlists for teachers in a variety of subject areas. The information is presented clearly and the lists are comprehensive.
Cool Site: February 1996

NASA K-12 Internet: Live from the Hubble Space Telescope -An opportunity for students in grades K-12 to participate in a project involving the Hubble Space Telescope. The site includes a chat area for teachers.
Cool Site: February 1996

HotList of K-12 Internet School Sites -The ultimate list of school sites. Schools are listed by state and then broken up by elementary, middle/junior and high school. The site is well maintained.
Cool Site: December 1995

Access Excellence -Access Excellence is a national education program that puts high school biology teachers in touch with other teachers and scientists. There is a bulletin board for posting messages, a "What's News" section as well as a variety of other resources for teachers and others interested in biotech.
Cool Site: December 1995

Busy Teachers' WebSite K-12 -An excellent collection of resources for the busy teacher. (I didn't know there was any other kind!). Subject matter is presented in alphabetical order from Archaeology to Teachers' References, with a lot in between.
Cool Site: November 1995

Classroom Connect -A great resource for teachers looking for helpful information on the Web. A searchable index of educational links and other surprises.
Cool Site: August 1995

Mighty Media's Teacher Talk -A place to exchange ideas with other teachers. Discuss issues such as school reform, technology and schools, and more.
Cool Site: August 1995

Explores! World Headquarters -Not just a site for teachers or students, this site has a great deal of information about weather. If you are a teacher or student check out the excellent K-12 section.
Cool Site: August 1995

Web 66: A K-12 WWW PROJECT -Find out how to set up your own Internet server and how to link to other educators and students. An extensive listing of useful information for teachers.
Cool Site: August 1995

Cyberspace Middle School Activities Guide -Pointers, activities and resources for middle school science teachers. Physics, oceanography, and geology are just some of the topics examined.
Cool Site: August 1995

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