Molecule Extravaganza - Explore animated multimedia movies of DNA
and other complex molecules. This is an excellent upper level chemistry
resource. Requires QuickTime plug-in. Reeko's
Mad Scientist Lab- This densely packed site has scads and scads of
excellent science and chemistry experiments you can try at home, as well
as science book reviews, science tips and more, all delivered in a highly
irreverent style. Polymers
& Liquid Crystals-
A well- constructed and informative site. Learn basic concepts and check
out "downloadable" simulations. Chemist's
Art Gallery. -Animations and visualizations of molecules, polymers,
cells, etc. I'm not sure what all the molecules and polymers are, but they
sure are pretty! Chemistry
Teaching Resources -The most comprehensive listing of chemistry teaching
resources we've come across. Chemicool
Periodic Table -A clickable periodic table that gives in-depth information
on each element. The most complete periodic table we've seen on the web
to date. WebElements
From the College of Chemisty UC Berkeley -A clickable periodic table!
Find the atomic weight for beryllium or gallium or any element. An excellent
chemistry resource.