- Find out about the strange and fascinating history of the Iditarod dogsled
race. This site includes race reports, video clips, and chat forums. Dim
Sum: A Connection to Chinese-American Culture-
Created by a high school group from Newton, Massachusetts, this well-designed
site presents information and lessons designed to foster better understanding
of Chinese-American culture. Lessons include science, the arts, language,
history, and more. Close to Home: Moyers
on Addiction- A companion to a PBS television special of the same
name, this is an excellent resource on the many facets of addiction, including
the science behind addiction, downloadable education guides for parents
and teachers, and an online discussion forum. The Garden of Origami
- Ori (to fold) + gami (paper) = origami, the art of paper folding. This
gorgeous site offers a garland of information, from the origins and aesthetics
of origami, to folding diagrams and K-12 lesson plans. Brain Candy
- This site collects an ever-growing resource of puns, word games, limericks,
misunderstood song lyrics, and even insults! It's not much to look at
graphically, but there is plenty to read. IdeaList -An interactive clearinghouse
filled with information about nonprofit and community organizations. This
site includes a listing of 8,000 non-profit web sites. This listing alone
makes this a cool site. The Great Globe
Gallery -Many, many globes for you to check out. There are 83 different
globes included on this page. The page is a bit heavy on the graphic side,
so you may need to be patient when connecting. Santa Claus
of Greenland Foundation -We couldn't resist including at least one
holiday site. After searching for Santa and finding lots of virtual, simulated,
and cyber Santas in Internet malls, we decided that Santa lives in Greenland!
As the site proclaims... "The mythical figure of Santa Claus is symbolic
of the ideals that we strive to teach our children, the ability to give,
to listen, and to care without expecting anything in return." Laserium Home Page -Information
on where to visit a Laserium in your neck of the woods. Check out the
"Inside Laserium" section and learn all about light, lasers
and how Laserium works.