The Math Forum - This is one of the most comprehensive math resources we've come across. This site is well organized and offers something for every level from K-12 through college and beyond.
Cool Site: February 1999

Native American Geometry - Explore an elegant proportional geometry based on the circle, and used by Native Americans for over 2000 years.
Cool Site: October 1998

Mathematician Trading Cards - Click on the name of your favorite famous mathematician, and you'll see a baseball card that displays a picture of your hero and a brief description of his or her achievements.
Cool Site: September 1998

Virtual Polyhedra - Want to learn what an icosahedron is? Or the 53rd stellation of the icosahedron? Explore the complex and beautiful world of many-sided geometric figures.
Cool Site: July 1998

Metrics Matter - Quick, how many centimeters are there in an inch? Ever wrack your brain trying to remember how many kilometers there are in a mile? Well, never again. This site, developed by a group of sixth graders, offers a thorough explanation of the metric system, the reasons for using it, and even an online unit converter.
Cool Site: May 1998

Lavarand - Learn how lava lamps can be used to help computers generate nearly unbreakable codes! The math here is pretty advanced (even dry), but the site has clever graphics, and, of course, a Web cam of the lava lamps.
Cool Site: April 1998

Mathworld Interactive - Join an on-line community of students working on math challenges! Since 1991, this successful community has offered its participants a new math challenge every nine weeks.
Cool Site: March 1998

MathMania - Stories, tutorials, and activities all related to mathematics.
Cool Site: November 1997

Eric's Treasure Trove of Mathematics - A very comprehensive site on mathematics. The information is presented "A-Z," and there is also a built-in search function.
Cool Site: October 1997

The Grey Labryinth - An archive of puzzles from mathematicians, philosophers, and others. The answers are posted but you are challenged to answer them without peeking!
Cool Site: October 1997

Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Section - Find out who Fibonacci was and what these numbers mean. Don't you want to know what a rabbit sequence is?
Cool Site: August 1997

Symmetry and the Shape of Space - A very simple (underdesigned) site that teaches the mathematics of symmetry, step by step. Be prepared for homework!
Cool Site: May 1997

Primordial Soup Kitchen -Designed by a math professor at University of Wisconsin, this site invites you into the virtual kitchen--where beautiful computer graphics are created with mathematical formulas.
Cool Site: April 1997

Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and Puzzles -A good collection of math games, puzzles, quotes, and additional information. This site also contains a number interesting online polls concerning mathematics and education in general.
Cool Site: April 1997

The KnotPlot Site-"Knots and links, viewed from a (partly) mathematical perspective." It had me searching for a piece of rope.
Cool Site: March 1997

The Geometry Center -All the formulas you've ever wanted. There are also plenty of great teacher resources, pictures describing geometrical functions, and computer programs for geometry.
Cool Site: February 1997

Biographies of Women Mathematicians -Part of an ongoing project, Biographies of Women Mathematicians illustrates the numerous achievements of women in the field of mathematics.
Cool Site: November 1996

Mandelbrot and Julia Set Explorer -You set the parameters, click on the previous image, and this site generates a new fractal image.
Cool Site: September 1996

The Live Articial Life Page -The warning on the first page says it all... "Warning: The icons on the left lead to interactive programs and 'live animated simulations.' Do not attempt to view these pages while eating a bowl of Fruit Pebbles."
Cool Site: September 1996

History of Mathematics -A very comprehensive resource. It contains biographies of more than 1100 mathematicians, and much more.
Cool Site: August 1996

Educational Trigonometry Explorer -This site uses Shockwave animations to teach mathematics to students 8 to 18. There is information on degrees, PI radians, angles, and more. This requires Netscape and the Shockwave plug-in.
Cool Site: July 1996

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