Open Mouth Letters


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Open Mouth


Tall Stick


Short Stick


Sloped Stick


Tunnels and Gumnuts


Feelers, Possum Tails and Snakes


Final Word


The caterpillar opened her mouth wide and yawned. 

She taught us how to make open mouth letters.




Open mouth, short stick



The alligator was looking for an apple

- by Shirley

Open mouth


Dad was checking the cows for calves

- by Slade

Open mouth, tall stick


Dannielle loves her donkey

- by Myhrin


Twig, open mouth



We like eating Easter eggs

- by Zaffron


Open mouth, possum tail



The ghost is good

- by Arahia


Open mouth, close it



Oranges are good to eat

- by Sacha


Open mouth, hanging stick



The queen is quite happy

- by Jonange


a   b   c   d   e   f   g   h   i   j   k   l   m   n   o   p   q   r   s   t   u   v   w   x   y   z


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