Feeler, Possum Tail and Snake Letters


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Open Mouth


Tall Stick


Short Stick


Sloped Stick


Tunnels and Gumnuts


Feelers, Possum Tails and Snakes


Final Word


The caterpillar met many animals during her trip.  She met a butterfly, a possum and Sammy Snake. 

She taught us how to make feeler, possum tail and snake letters.



Feeler, twig



The flowers feel fluffy

- by Myrhin

Open mouth, possum tail




The goat liked his guitar

- by Lance


Possum tail,







The jack-in-a-box jumped up

- by Shannon

Gumnut, possum tail




The yellow sun is hot

- by Jonange


Sammy Snake


Slade likes singing and swimming

- by Patrick


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