
White Island

White Island is a very active volcano. Can you find it on a map? Scientists used to live on the island, but now it is too dangerous.

Scientists still visit the island regularly to check on the volcanic activity.

This is the crate lake on White Island.

This is all that is left of the sulphur processing factory abandoned in the 1930s. At the height of sulphur mining activity in the late 1920s there was a post office, radio station, and cookhouse on the island. Everything, including water, was shipped in. Sheep were run on the island to provide meat in emergencies.

It has been destroyed by volcanic eruptions on the island, and the metal eaten away by the acid atmosphere.

With the frequent eruptions, there are cracks in the ground. Scientists have to watch these cracks, so they can predict what may be going to happen in the future.

Scientists regularly make trips to the island to watch what is happening, and to measure changes. They also learn a lot about how volcanoes behave.

They wear hard hats because there are often rocks thrown out in the eruptions, and they have gas masks to wear if there is too much poisonous gas to breathe safely.

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