your friends offered you drugs, would you take them?
Different children gave
these answers:
If my friends offered me drugs I would not take it. Plus I would not be their friends. -Konghead
I would not take it because drugs are bad for your body and its a sin because God is in everybody and when you smoke God gets hurt because you get hurt. - Christie
No I wouldn't take it even if it were my friend.
- Megan (Age 11)
Of course not. What kinda idot will take drugs? Especially if they know its bad for them.
matt (Age 13)
I would not take it because it messes up your body
and frys your brain.
Say No!
Emily (age 7)
No ways! People who use drugs are people who think lowly of themself
Kevin (Age 12)
No way! In your dreams! Of course not!
(Age 10)
Drugs are not on my scene. Drugs can drag you into the gutter and you're not even aware of it. - Aza
no, I do not sink that low - LavoS
No because they're bad for you - Teana (Age 9)
Don't take drugs. They fry your brains. It will make you a dumb person and you will be totally unhappy. -Sue
No, because you could die from drugs - Glenn (Age 9)
If my friends offered me drugs I would take it because their my friends. - Warren (Age 10)
I wouldn't take the drugs that she would offer me.In fact I wouldn't be her friend anymore. I don't like those kind of friends anyway.
emely (Age 12)
I would not take drugs because I want to keep my health intact. - Thomas (Age 13)
I will try to change the subject to divert their topic. Then talk about something else - Amy Dinh (age 16)
I wouldn't take it because it's proving there not your friend. Uilani (age 11)