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Planets Quiz

First of all, check out the Nine Planets for Kids site. Then answer this quiz by choosing the correct answer from the list in each question. When you have finished, mark your own work.
(requires Netscape Communicator to calculate answers correctly, not Navigator)

  1. How many planets are there in our solar system?


  2. Which planet is the closest planet to the sun?


  3. The path that a planet takes around the sun is called the ...


  4. The inner solar system consists of four planets; Mercury, Venus, Earth and ...


  5. Which planet is named after Aphrodite, the goddess of love?


  6. How many moons does Mercury have?


  7. Which planet is sometimes the eighth planet from the sun, and sometimes ninth (depending on what Pluto is doing!)


  8. What is the solid core of a comet called?


  9. The asteriod belt is made up of chunks of ...


10. How many times could the planet Earth fit inside the sun?


Click the button below marked "Finish" to show your score. When you look back at your answers, any question with a tick is right, and a blank means wrong. Try again, and see if you can get them all right!



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