Andrew Kidd


When Andrew and John Kidd step onto a playground they are not there just to play, they are there to help make the playground SAFE!  Armed with a ruler and basketball in their hands, they mean business.  These are the tools they use to measure if the playground spaces are safe.

Andrew and John Kidd became involved with playground safety after Andrewís accident.  In 1994, 5-year-old Andrew fell from atop a 9-foot climber.  His injuries included 200 bruises, a displaced jaw and lip, and 2 broken teeth.  Andrew had to have 15 surgeries.   After the successful surgeries, Andrew has become a KID CHECKER!

Following Andrewís accident, the Indianapolis Star newspaper wrote an article about Andrew.  NPPS read the story and then contacted him.  Since then, he has been a part of the NPPS team.

In 2000, Andrew and John had another experience at a playground.  At the time, Andrew was 10 years old and John was 8 years old.  They went to a playground near their home. Before they played, they did a check to make sure it was safe.  They decided that the playground was safe. However, John lost his

John Kidd

grip on a zip line track ride and fell 7 feet.  He lost his breath for a couple of seconds.  Fortunately, John fell onto a surface that had 15 inches of mulch.  Because of the safe surface, John was able to get back up and continue playing.

Today, Andrew and John are working to help prevent playground injuries.  They travel across the country talking to communities, children, parents and news media about playground safety. 

For such dedication to playground safety, McDonaldís and Walt Disney chose Andrew as one of the Millennium Dreamers.  Only 2000 young people, ages 8 ñ 15, were chosen.  Over 11,000 children were nominated.  Children had to submit essays on what theyíre doing to make a difference in their communities.

One of the trips highlights was meeting Christopher Reeve.  The actor told Andrew that, ìThere are no super heroes.  Heroes are just ordinary people who, because of their circumstances, do extraordinary things.î

Because of Andrewís injuries, John and Andrew have done extraordinary things for playground safety education.  They have handed out 150 safety brochures at a park and to 25 legislators.  Andrew and John have spoken with Indianaís Governor.  The Kidd brothers have taught playground safety classes to both Cub Scouts and 5th graders.  They have done several live TV interviews, including NBC's Later Today and Oprah.  Andrewís goal is to ìMake Americaís Playground Safe!î  Johnís goal is ìLetís go out there and play safe!î

Together, Andrew and John hope you will help them Make Americaís Playground Safe!

                                Andrew & John

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