Accumulated: heap up, gain, amass
Adaptation: make suitable
Biodiversity: different kinds plant
Canopy : protective layer, over hanging shelter
Coexist: occur together, being found together
Deforestation: clear forests
Dependant: one who depends on another for support
Destruction: demolish, undo, being destroyed
Diversity: unlike-ness, different kind, variety
Ecosystem: organisms living together
Emergent: come into view, crop up
Evaporation: from solid or liquid into vapour
Evolved: develop, deduce, open out
Exploitation: utilize for one's own ends
Extinction: no longer, ceased, has died out
Habitat: natural home of plant or animal
Humidity: moist, damp
Species: having members that differ only in minor details
Sufficient: adequate, enough
Sustain: enable to last out,endure without giving way