Classroom Activity: Leonardo Right to Left

Main Idea: Students will experiment with writing backwards as Leonardo did.

Learning Objectives:

Time: 45 to 60 minutes



  1. Be sure students have visited the Leonardo Right to Left web page, and encourage them to discuss what they learned from it. Make sure they understand what we mean by writing backwards. Refer to the sample of Leonardo's signature if there is confusion.
  2. Distribute paper and pencils and encourage students to try writing their signatures in cursive from right to left. This is challenging! If students have trouble forming letters in reverse, they should try the following exercise:

    • Hold a pencil in each hand.
    • Simultaneously, write backwards with the usual writing hand while writing forwards with the opposite hand.
    • Having the one hand mirror the other hand's action seems to help the brain coordinate the movements.

  3. Have the students experiment with writing backwards alphabets and backwards sentences.
  4. Have them write backwards with pens and markers to make comparisons. Is one kind of writing tool easier to use this way than another?
  5. Distribute mirrors and show students how to position them to one side of their backwards writing to read it normally. A mirror also lets them check to see if they actually reversed all letters properly.
  6. Suggest that they try writing backwards messages to a partner who can then decipher them with a mirror.


Generating Hypotheses:

For Further Thought:

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