Kinetosaurs: Putting some teeth into art and science

Submit your artwork!
We will select some of the best works and display them in our online Dinosaur Art Gallery for everyone to admire!

How can you send us your work? First, be sure to include your name, your school or home town, and your age or grade level. We would also like to know something about the artwork:

Also, make sure you include your street address, email address or telephone number in case we need to contact you.

Send your artwork and information by postal mail to:
Dinosaur Art Gallery
The Children's Museum of Indianapolis
P.O Box 3000
Indianapolis, IN 46206-3000

Or scan them into your computer and send them via email. They should be saved as JPEG (.jpg) files and should be about 100 kb to 400 kb in file size. Please do not send files larger than 500 kb. Attach them to an email message addressed to:
[email protected]

All submissions become the property of The Children's Museum of Indianapolis, which may display them on its Web site or in other publications. Submissions will not be returned.


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Copyright 1999 Children's Museum of Indianapolis