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Name of Dinosaur

Pteranodon (related to, but not actually a dinosaur)

How to say it

ter - AN - oh - don

What the name means

Winged and toothless

Who named it

Othneil Marsh

When discovered


What period of time

Cretaceous period

How long

2 metres


8 metres



Where found

England, North America

What it looked like
Pteranodons were flying reptiles (pterosaurs) that had a wing-span longer than any known bird. They had hollow bones, were lightly built, had almost no tail, and small bodies. They may have had fur. Some pteranodons had long, light-weight, bony crests on their heads that may have acted as a rudder when flying. They had no teeth.

Pteranodon wings were covered by a leathery skin. This stretched between its body, the top of its legs and its long fourth fingers, forming the structure of the wing. Claws stuck out from the other fingers.

What it ate
Although they had no teeth, Pteranodons were carnivores. They ate fish (which they caught at the surface of the oceans), shellfish, crabs, insects, and scavenged dead animals on land. They may have hunted like modern-day pelicans, scooping fish out of the water and swallowing them whole.


How it moved around
Pteranodons could flap their wings and fly with power. They flew long distances using large, light-weight wings.


How it probably behaved
They had large brains and good eyesight, so they were good at hunting for their food.


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