The Reunion - Friday 14 March
During the day, visitors came in to see
the old school photos. All the photos from 1953 were on the
walls around the auditorium. The oldest photos were black and white,
because they did not have coloured photos in those
days. People could look and see their old
school friends in these photos. The senior students also enjoyed looking
at the photos around the walls! Some of the Year 6 students were chosen
to be guides, and show visitors around the
school. They went to classrooms, and looked at
what people were doing. They also looked at the swimming
pool, the library and the Learning Centre. They took visitors across to the Support
Unit, to see children working over there. Some of the visitors hadn't been back to
Puhinui for over forty years, so they found it very
interesting! Classes were singing in Bible lessons
when the visitors looked in. Other classes were working at Maths or
other subjects. Visitors also went down to the art room
where Mrs Anderson teaches art.
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