
 What to do with dogs

This is Olly, a kiwi recovery dog. He wears a muzzle when he is working, and a life jacket when he is on a boat!

Dogs are also hunters, and even when a dog is well trained, you cannot be sure how it will behave.

Even specially trained kiwi-recovery birds, which are trained to sniff out kiwi burrows so conservation workers can save the eggs from predators cannot be totally trusted. They always wear a muzzle while they are working, so they can't give a kiwi a nip which might kill it.

These are the things to do with your dog.

* Give your dog with a roomy pen/kennel where it can be happy and is not free to roam outside your property.

* Exercise dogs only in special areas - not on beaches, in estuaries, or in reserves.

* Keep your dog on a lead.

* Be particularly aware of ground-nesting birds - such as kiwi, dotterel and oystercatchers - and keep dogs away from nesting areas.