Belgium (1)

What I don't understand is: why Walloon train guards are so surly? They do their job unfriendly towards travellers and even refuse to speak Dutch or Flemish, although they often speak the language pretty well. Perhaps they should take a few lessons from our Dutch train guards (or the Luxemburgers) for they know how to get on with kids. Unfortunately I don't speak French yet. Except when a waiter asks me if I enjoyed the dinner. Then I answer him: "comme l'amour". But that is what my dad teached me.

It won't be possible anymore to make a picture like this in Kautenbach, because this diesel has become history on this section. How great he's leaning here! (Photo: Remco)

One of my favourite railtravels is on Line-42 Li�ge-Luxemburg. Last year I did it probably finally by dieseltraction because the whole section is electrified now. Very pity. It was so romantic passing tunnels and viaducts without wires in the air. Large distances of rails still are unwelded, so you can hear the wheels' rhythm passing the openings. (Kedengkedeng)

Locomotive 2249 is here on duty as an aid-loc. After pushing the train up hill this 2249 returns single to Li�ge. The rest of the train continues to Brussels. Li�ge-Guillemins Belgium. (Photo: Remco)

Just a matter of the right point of view. (Photos: Remco)