Flying balloons were the first way that human beings got to fly. A balloon is filled with a gas that is lighter than air, and as it is warmed up, it rises up into the sky. You can't steer a balloon, it just goes where the wind pushes it. |
The first people to design hot air balloons and get them to fly were two brothers from France. They were the Montfolfier brothers. Before they went up in one of their balloons themselves, they sent up some animals, to check whether it was safe! There was a sheep, a duck, and a rooster. |
They had to use flames to heat up the gas in the balloon so it would lift up into the air. People came to look and wonder at this great new invention. The first flight was in 1783, over 200 years ago! |
Today, people still like to fly in balloons. They stand in a wicker basket at the bottom of the balloon. The balloon is tied to the ground until it is ready to fly. |
There is a gas burner below the bottom of the balloon that puffs flames into the centre of the balloon to warm up the gas inside it and make the balloon rise. To get it to come back down, the gas is released in spurts from the balloon. |