What's New in the World

Volume 2: Issue 2                          Last Updated: Oct.1996

Sausalito's Bay Model 
Goes with the Flow
By Mark Nichol

Visitors to the San Francisco Bay-Delta Tidal Hydraulic Model are invariably surprised about one thing in particular: it's big. The Bay Model, located in a huge warehouse on the site of a former shipyard in Sausalito, California, is a marine engineering laboratory dominated by a scale model of San Francisco Bay measuring about 320 feet by 400 feet--that's comparable to four football fields placed side by side.

Sausalito's Bay Model 
Goes with the Flow
Photographs by Amy Snyder
To continue the story, listen to RealAudio clips, and to view a QuickTime VR movie from inside the Bay Model, click the More button. more

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Straws and Pins--Building Up: Learn basic physics and engineering concepts by building different types of structures.

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Teachers and Exploratorium staff explore scale and structure as it applies the Bay Bridge. Also, the Exploratorium connects its experimental Roof CAM to the Internet. Check it out.

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About this month's issue
A year ago this month, we posted "What's New in World" for the first time. Over the last year, we've covered stories on the confirmation of the existence of planets outside our solar system, a breakthrough discovery in AIDS research, Comet Hyakutake, evidence that Mars may have once harbored life, and much more.

Over the last year, we have received a great deal of mail. Many of your suggestions have helped improve "What's New." We appreciate your feedback, and we would also like to thank you for visiting. We look forward to continuing to bring you new issues every month in our second year. Hope to see you November 15th for our next issue.

Your editor:
Jim Spadaccini

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©1996 Exploratorium, 3601 Lyon Street, San Francisco, CA 94123