"All the news that's fit to link"
Last Updated October 15th 1995

The Royal Swedish Academy of Science has announced the Nobel Prize recipients in Physics and Chemistry. In physics, winners Martin L. Perl and Frederick Reines shared the prize. The three chemistry prize winners are Paul Crutzen, Mario Molina and F. Sherwood Rowland.

Martin Perl is a professor at the Stanford Linear Accelator Center. He won his half of the prize in physics for his discovery of a new elementary particle known as the tau lepton. Martin Perl is a San Francisco resident. For more information about Martin Perl and his discovery click here.

Frederick Reines, of the University of California at Irvine received the other half of the award for the detection of the neutrino. For more information about Frederick Reines and the Nobel Prize in Physics click here.

Three scientists shared the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their work in atmospheric chemistry, particularly concerning the formation and decomposition of ozone. Paul Crutzen, a Dutch citizen working in Germany, and two Americans, Mario Molina of MIT and F. Sherwood Rowland of the University of California at Irvine, won the Prize for 1995. To find out more about their work and the Nobel Prize in Chemistry click here.


NOBELSTIFTELSEN The Nobel Foundation

The Nobel Prize Internet Archive

CNN coverage of the 1995 Nobel Prize Winners

The Ig Nobel Prize Winners

The President makes a speech to San Francisco school children outside the Exploratorium.

President Bill Clinton and Vice-President Al Gore stopped by the Exploratorium for a high-tech hands-on science demo, to meet with Silicon Valley CEO's and to make a speech to San Francisco School children.

The President took part in a demonstration of Internet video conferencing which allowed students at the Exploratorium to communicate with students at Ross School in Marin County. Students showed the President hands-on science activities involving electricity and vortices. The President particularly enjoyed the demonstration involving static electricity. Following a small static electric shock the President asked student Fidel Ferrel from Bryant Elementary, "Would you like to shock the Vice-President?"

Following the science demonstrations, the President and Vice-President made a speech outlining plans to connect more California schools to the Internet. Earlier in the day CEO's from Silicon Valley high-tech companies met with the President and Vice-President and pledged support for the plan. Click on the icons below for a video or audio excerpt from the President's speech.

Excerpt from the President's speech at the Exploratorium. (Quicktime Movie, 24 seconds, 1.8 Meg)

Excerpt from the President's speech at the Exploratorium. (Audio IFF sound file, 31 seconds, 660k)

Excerpt from the President's speech at the Exploratorium. (RealAudio sound file, requires the RealAudio player, click HERE to download the RealAudio player.


The White House

Ross School Home Page

�1995 The Exploratorium 3601 Lyon St. San Francisco, CA 94124