What's new in the World of Science

"All the news that's fit to link."
Posted: February15,1996
Weird Winter Weather: A sign of global changes?
Recent floods in the northwest and last month's blizzards in the east have some people asking whether these storms are a sign of some sort of larger global change.

Recently, I had a conversation to discuss this question and other questions of climate change and global warming with Exploratorium Senior Scientist, Dr. Paul Doherty.

Conversation with Dr. Paul Doherty (RealAudio sound file, requires the RealAudio player, click HERE to download the RealAudio player.)

Related Sites
Simulation of Global Warming

Scientists Agreee on Human Contribution to Global Warming

Weather Page: The Latest Satellite and Radar Images

Tech Focus: NetDay 96' Schools to get Wired
On March 9th schools all over California will get connected to the Internet with help from volunteers, parents, students, and engineers from California-based high-tech companies. The Exploratorium will lend a hand on March 9th, by helping wire Bryant Elementary School.

The connection between the Exploratorium and Bryant seems like a natural one since it was students from Bryant who met the President Clinton back in September when he visited the Exploratorium to first announce NetDay '96. Exploratorium staff will be connecting Bryant's daycare and afterschool center, making Bryant one of the first schools in San Francisco to be completely wired.

The Exploratorium is proud to be part of NetDay'96.

Related Sites

What's New in Science: October '95 Edition

Exclusive Interview with Dan Werthimer of SERENDIP

Arecibo Observatory image
An aerial view of the Arecibo Observatory. This observatory plays host to the SERENDIP instrument.

Over the last few months "What's New" has run stories on the confirmation of the existence of extrasolar planets. In addition, just last month we focused on the Hubble Telescope's "Deep Field" image which found nearly 1,500 galaxies. With all these recent developments in astronomy we thought it appropriate to take a look at a program that is actively searching for life elsewhere in the universe.

SERENDIP (Search for Extraterrestrial Radio Emission from Nearby Developed Intelligent Populations) is a SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) program at UC Berkeley. Recently the Exploratorium's Ron Hipschman caught up with Dan Werthimer, Project Scientist for SERENDIP.

Interview with Dan Werthimer. (RealAudio sound file, requires the RealAudio player, click HERE to download the RealAudio player.)

Related Sites:
SERENDIP Home Page:University of California Search for Extraterrestrial Civilizations

The SETI Home Page

The SETI League, Inc. Home Page

What's New in Science: January Edition

What's New in Science: December Edition

A Few Good Stories
"What's new in the World of Science" is always looking for new stories and science news sites. If you know of a site, or science news that you would like us to cover please send us some mail. You can use the "mail us" button on the bottom of the page or send mail to your editor:

Jim Spadaccini
[email protected]

"What's News in Science" is published the middle of every month. Remember to check back next month and see "What's New!"
The Learning StudioThe Exploratorium

© 1996 The Exploratorium, 3601 Lyon Street. San Francisco, California 94123