Build a Bubble-Powered Rocket!
Suggestion: Find a grown-up to do this activity with you.
Hints: |
The film canister MUST be one with a cap that fits INSIDE the rim instead of over the outside of the rim. Sometimes photography shops have extras of these and will be happy to donate some for such a worthy cause. Keep in mind: Just like with real rockets, the less your rocket weighs and the less air resistance (drag) it has, the higher it will go.
Making the Rocket You must first decide how to cut your paper. You may cut it the short way or the long way to make the body of the rocket. There is no one right way to make a paper rocket. Try a long, skinny rocket or a short, fat rocket. Try a sharp nosecone or a blunt nosecone. Try it with fins or without fins. Experiment! Here's just one idea for how you might cut your whole rocket from one piece of paper: Here
are the basic steps:
Blasting Off
Now work quickly on the next steps!