A one sheet guide for folding the paper airplane

From: Stephen Waits - [email protected]

This valuable aid is in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. It can be downloaded, printed out and used as a guide when folding the paper airplane. The sheet shows two versions of the paper plane, a wings only version and the standard type with a tail and horizontal stabilizer.

Paper airplane guide sheetStephen suggests that you make sure that the printing option fit to page is not checked or else it won't work quite right. I find that on my printer the center image should be checked. If center image is not checked, it prints off center making it useless for folding. The PDF file is sized to fit standard U.S. letter size paper (8 1/2" x 11"). If you are using paper that is a different size, be sure to us the option fit to page. You may have to trim one or two sides of the sheet after printing.

What you see after you download the file called guide.pdf depends on the configuration of your internet browser. You may see the document open in your browser window, or your browser may call the supporting program Adobe Acrobat Viewer, or the guide.pdf file will be saved to your hard disk. You must have the free Adobe Acrobat Viewer installed to see and print the file. To download the viewer go to the Adobe Acrobat 3.0 free reader page and follow the instructions.

Download guide.pdf

Thank you Stephen for your valuable contribution.

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Conceptos Digitales C.R., S.A. San Jose, Costa Rica.
URL: http://www.zurqui.com/ Revised: Sept. 25, 2000